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St. Mary School of Elyria

  • Student/Teacher Ratio = 10:1
  • The option of All-Day Preschool
  • 3 year old preschool 2 days a week
  • All-Day Kindergarten
  • Busing by Elyria, Midview, Keystone, and area after-school programs
  • Offers CYO sports
  • Established in 1859

St. Mary School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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Recent News

Family Literacy Night

Families attend a night of games, storytelling, and activities, all to promote reading.  Each child went home with a bag of books, activities, and materials to promote reading at home. Children used their reading skills to make a bag of Cougar Crunch snack mix and...

Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine’s Day STREAM activity with heart paper folding and Valentine exchanges  

Cougar Kindness Club

Helping our students work in multi-grade groups to learn more about each other and feel a part of the school community.

100 Days of School

Students in Grades 1 and 2 celebrating the 100th day of school.

Teacher Professional Development Day

Teachers participating in a day of professional development on Project-based Learning Experiences for our Students


The classes paired up with another class to share what they know about their class saint.


Learning about vocations with Father Charlie and Sister Mary Dorothy...

Celebrating CSW

Eighth graders attending Mass with Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Celebrating Students

Celebrating our students in hoodies and sweatpants with no Tuesday night homework.

Celebrating Our Nation

Learning about our flag and making cards for members of the VFW


St. Mary's School

237 4th Street 
Elyria, OH 44035

Call Us

Mary Poling, Secretary:
Sharon Urig, Principal:
440-322-2808 Ext: 241

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Mission Statement

Saint Mary School follows the examples of our patroness Mary and her Son Jesus Christ by respecting others, fostering spiritual development, striving for academic excellence, and providing service to our community.

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